THANKS for tuning in. I don't know what to say, but your support for this blog is deeply appreciated!

In this iSSUE, we will look deeply into the term "Jesusfreak" mentioned by both Mr. TobyMac, and DCTalk. Well, I actually did some homework to look out for the definition of the word "freak".

FREAK - noun
someone who is so ardently (what's that?) devoted to something that it resembles an addiction
ARDENTLY - adverb: in an ardent manner (duh. of course, but what does it mean?)
ARDENT - adjective: characterized by intense emotion. Example: "Ardent love" (AHH... *blink blink*)
you can look out yourself from

Mr. Chris Tomlin will be in the limelight too, ladies and gentlement... *loud applause + fiufi~~* Mr. Tomlin will further exemplify the freakiness of Mr. Toby and DCTalk through this song "How Great Is Our God" and my personal favorite, "Indescribable". Kind enough, Mr. Tomlin will also give us some tips on writing great worship songs... remember to stay till the end ya.

Sounds like a jammed pack iSSUE, without further ado, here's TobyMac, Get this party started!!


Be Thou My Vision said...

thanks for the info..very informative But i have something to show you, its a music from the heart see here Be Thou My Vision its very informative site..It talks about songs of God

オテモヤン said...
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